Executive Committee
Chair – Sue Prabhakar
Deputy Chair – Fiona Tregaskis
Secretary – Jenni Silby
Treasurer – Kirsty Duncan
Canteen Convener – Anita Barrett
Committee Members
Kylie Mitchell
Freya Petersen
Alexy Shelest
** Committee members must be members of the Morningside State School Parent and Citizens (P&C) Association
Email contacts
General enquiries:
To notify of absences or changes to nominated races and to nominate for carnivals:
The Morningside State School Amateur Swimming Club committee is a sub committee of the Morningside State School Parents and Citizens (P&C) association. Executive committee members must be members of the morningside state school P&C association. Meetings are held monthly during the swim season and as required during the “off” season. If any member of MSSASC is interested in attending a meeting please contact any member of the executive committee.
An AGM is held at the end of the season and we encourage ALL members to attend.